What do you call a shadow : Tyrone don’t be a coon
What do u call a Muslim praying: alluakber
What do you call a black person having a fit : A chocolate milkshake
What do you call a white men that’s blind Asian eyes
What do you call an autistic black man with a Rifle? Black ops
What do you call a person with a flip flop
My dad
What do you call a black person scuba diving? A black diver (an armor set from DeepWoken) did anyone laugh at that or?? Augh i guess im alone
What do you call a deep diver? A DeepWoken player
How do you call a fast boat? Usain, Usain Boat
What do you call a chubby Robert Pattinson? The Fatman.
Yo mum is so fat when she saw the titanic she called it small
What do you call a transgender in a wherlchair An autobot
What do you call a 17 year old orphan? Homeless
What is the difference between et and an orphan et can actually call home
what do you call a bald person on fire a fried egg
What do you call a nut that screws and then bolts?
An escapee from a mental hospital
What do you call a person in a wheelchair that lives in africa? Dry Vegeatable
Do you know that foundation called "Autism Speaks"? No, it screeches.
What do you do when you see a lady in a wheelchair? You grab a stick and put it through the wheelchair and call her nunchucks
What do you call a Pegasus that is being sus?
A megasus!!