so imagine bulling an orphan so bad they cry and then you say "what are you gonna do tell your parents?"
Bully: I bet your dick is as small as a tic tac
Quiet Kid: Thats why your moms breath smells so good. QUIET KID WINS
"bully" omg that girl is so ugly "me"wait what.........ever
Bully: how is your girlfriend? Me:I don't have one! BULLY: I KNOW! ME:HOW are you parents? *Walks out of orphanage*
This girl told me people call her ugly because she is disabled. I told her to stand up for herself.
How many thots have I bullied?
Three. The rest are dead.
Orphans are the best targets for bullying, since who are they gonna cry to? Their parents?
My bully: your face is ugly. Me: Yeah well your mom is so fat she broke the stair way to heaven. My bully: :(
"Sticks and stones break my bones."
A crowbar does it so much quicker.
School Bully: How's your girlfriend? Oh wait, you don't have any!
Me: How's your parents? Oh wait, you don't have any! *Continues to burn down orphanage*
Bully: Howâs ur gf? Kid: I donât have one howâs your parents? Bully: *crys* Kid: *Walks out orphanage
An anti-bullying PSA and speeding PSA from the same creator meet one another.
The death toll went sky high.
Someone was bullying Stephen, so I said, "Why do you not stand up for yourself?"
Remember the big forehead kid who said âGive me a knife, Iâm going to kill myselfâ ? because of being bullied His head was to big to even exist, and that's why he's dead
says the fucking moron.
Why do orphans become bullies?
Because their mum and dad were never there for them.
Orphan jokes aren't to made fun of. They're just aimed at older audiences. Oh wait.
Best website ever 4 chair.
How is a emo kid and a hanging child the same?
Depends on who's hanging
A noose, a knife, a gun, and a razor blade look at a child who committed suicide after being bullied. Everyone looked at the noose. The noose would say,"What? It wasn't my fault."