I don’t like to make jokes around dwarfs.
Simply because they look up to me.
I don’t like to make jokes around dwarfs.
Simply because they look up to me.
Your mom's been giving me attitude lately, so I told her to shut her mouth. When she did, it caused me to lose 4 inches.
Even people who are good for nothing can bring a smile to your face.
For instance, when you push them down the stairs.
What do you call a booty that’s always negative?
A pessimist-cheek.
Why do strippers never care about things?
Because the last time they gave a fuck, it was for $20 an hour.
Why didn’t the emo attend her grandma’s funeral?
She thought her grandma was trying to flex.
If you're feeling mad, punch an autistic kid. What's he gonna do, blabber to the teacher?
Why are emos jealous of light?
The lights are hanging.
Principal: “Why did you have to skip class? Because of that detention!”
Kid: “Whatever!”
Principal: “Why did you have to swear? Because of that one demerit!”
Kid: “Doesn't matter!”
Principal: “Why did you yell at a teacher and throw a chair at them? Because of that you're suspended!”
Kid: “Oh well!”
Principal: “Why did you have to push a kid down the stairs and kill them? Because of that you're expelled!”
Kid: “I'm trying not to kill myself!”
Tiktoker: I will kill anyone who pours milk before cereal.
Depressed kid tiktok reply: *pours milk before cereal, pours cereal then takes a bite* I'll wait.
If you're gay, does that mean you're sexist?