What is sprinkled around the Pokémon floor? Oh right. Ash's ashes.
My dad always wanted one last smoke before his death, so we smoked his ashes.
Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, “Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?” The birch says he cannot tell, but just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling. The birch says, “Woodpecker, you are a tree expert. Can you tell if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?”
The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree and replies, “It is neither a son of a beech nor a son of a birch, it is, however, the best piece of ash I have ever poked my pecker into.”
How to catch Bigfoot: 1. Dig a large pit. 2. Build a fire in the pit and let it burn all the way to ashes. 3. Place small green peas all around the rim of the pit. 4. Hide in the bushes and wait. When Bigfoot goes to take a pea, kick him in the ash hole.
The other day I went to a museum, my friend and I went to the holocaust section and he got choked up when he saw the Anne Frank picture. I asked him. Why are you sad it’s just an Ash tray
Did you hear about the woman who put her husband’s ashes in a burrito? He gets to tear that ass up one more time
What's an orphan's favorite store? Ashely Home Store
I be ready to commit suicide. But when it comes to jumping out my window im scared ash
How many people can you fit in a car? 6 - 3 in the back, 2 in the front and my nan in the ash tray.
Ashes to ashes, Priests prever boys, cause they dont have to shave their asses.
What appears over Ash’s head when he gets an idea? A LightBulbasaur.
Am I considered a cannibal because I told my mom that grandma's ashes was sugar.
1.What do you call chesse that's no yours - Nacho Chesse 2. Knock Knock WHO's there ash ash who-ashOoO 3. How does the ocean say hello - he waves 4. Why can't elsa have a ballaon- Because she will let it go 5. What do you can your enemy- You dont call it at all
An LDS preacher knocks on the door with a chalice of wine offering to do the sacrement
The person living there points and says, "begone fowl blood-drinker"
And promptly the preacher bursts into flames leaving nothing but ash.
Knock, knock. -- "Who's there?" -- "Ash." -- "Ash who?" -- "Bless you."
Your forehead is so big even ash couldn’t catch it
What did Tupac Homies smoke is ashes
it would’ve been too tacky to take a shot in his memory
An old man saw the TikTok trend of people throwing it back the old man wanted to do it with his wife the man set up everything needed a did the video I threw it back first then his wife bust instead of an old lady it was ashes