What happens to grapes when you step on them? They wine.
What's the difference between an orphan and a vegetable?
The vegetable gets picked.
A farm full of cows were bombed, and only two survived. All of the udders died.
She said you can twerk, so I put her in a tractor and put her to work. She got mad at me and said, "There's no good men," but I gave her a kob and equal pay!
Why did the roster cross the road twice?
To prove it was not a chicken.
How do you get a cow to eat?
Give it mooshrooms!
Where do cows go to see the big screen? The mooo-vie theater.
"We've invented the spade!"
"Oh wow, this is ground-breaking!"
What is the difference between an apple and an orphan?
The apple actually got picked.
Why was the calf afraid?
Because she was a cow-herd.
The udder day I drank milk.
It was udderly delicious!
What's the difference between an apple tree and an orphan? The apples get picked.
What's the difference between an orphan and an apple?
One's actually picked.
What is the difference between an orphan and an apple?
Apples get picked.
Where did the cow go on his first date? To the moovies.
Why didn't the cows eat the lemon grass?
It made sour milk.
What do a pimp and a farmer have in common? They both need a hoe to stay in business
The flower made a phone call and became cauliflower.
Why couldn't the man get out of the maize maze?
He got corn-ered!
What does a cow use in school? A cowculator.