Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

3 people online

What do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher.

What's a cat's favorite instrument? Purr-cussion.

I went to the aquarium this weekend, but I didn’t stay long. There’s something fishy about that place.

What's the best thing about Switzerland? The flag is a big plus.

🤔 💭 🙃 What comment did the United States Senator Kamla Harris make when one of her 64% blue dog democrat constituents called her incompetent? Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits!!

What was the comment that Vice President Harris said in the United States Senate when a blue dog democrat in the United States Senate called Vice President Harris a bitch?

Kibbles 'N Bits!! Kibbles 'N Bits!! I is going to get me some Kibbles ' N Bits!!

Your mom is so dumb, that she thought Dunkin' Donuts was a basketball team.

Your mom is so stupid, that she thought LGBTQ was a sandwich.

What's the difference between your mom in bed, and Biden in the presidential race?

Your mom finishes.

Your mom is so ugly, that she use Snapchat filters to make her pretty.

Your is so ugly, that she made a mirror shatter.

Why is Christianity the most dramatic religion? Because other religions say do do do But Christianity says done done done

Donald Trump secretly admires Joe Biden. How do I know?

He attempts to imitate "Sleepy Joe" by falling asleep during his court cases and during part of the Republican National Convention!

How can you tell Donald Trump is old and demented?

He can't distinguish between tanned people and cockroaches!

For all the talk of Donald Trump loving America, most of his lovers are imported from Eastern Europe.

I'm shocked about Donald Trump escaping the transgender accusations. Trump is more talkative than any of the popular girls I went to school with! Not to mention Trump's tweets....