Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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The reason why Trailer Park Boys is set in Nova Scotia and not Alabama is because if it was set in Alabama, then they would have to record every instance of incest. And the show's writers would need to know how to cram all of it in one season.

Stephen Hawking is better than NASA they study black whole that are 8 billion years old while he was down here on earth staring at 14 your olds black holes.😈😈😈

💪 💪 🏋️‍♂️ What do you get when you cross a physically disabiled gay white male who workout at the gym that is a bukkake slut and a physically disabiled gay white male who workout at the gym that is a sex worker?

Cum Junkie

The first time riding my bike was a lot like my first time having sex It was hot. I was sweaty, but my sister had her hands on my shoulders is all the time.

How did Rihanna find out? Chris Brown was cheating on her Found another woman’s lipstick on his knuckles

What is the difference between a broom and a mop? It’s hard to beat my girlfriend when she’s holding the mop