Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Mother: "Sweetie, make a Christmas wish." Girl: "I wish that Santa will send some clothes to those naked girls in papa's computer."

A guy and girl had sex poem competition. Guy: "Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I can put mine in yours, but you can't put yours in mine." Girl: "Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I know the length of yours, but you won't know the depth of mine."

Why did the rapper become a barber?

Because he loved to drop FRESH CUTS

Why did the rapper refuse to play cards?

Because he was tired of dealing with all the JOKERS

Why did the rapper bring a calculator to the party?


What do you get when you cross a rapper with an accountant?

A RHYME SCHEME that's all about the BENJAMINS

Why did the rapper cross the road?

To get to the STUDIO on the other side