Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

6 people online

Men should provide their disobedient daughters with their own "milk" instead of letting them use the mother. That will teach those bitches some respect for men. It may even help them get laid later on in life.

What was going through the head off a 9/11 victim on the 88th floor

The 89th floor

when you ask for plastic surgery they said 'we could not fix you but the only way is to wear a mask to fix your ugly face'

How many sally's does it take to change a ligthbulb?

None, she was eletricuted.

What's the difference between a black dad and a boomerang? A boomerang comes back.

you’re so fat

that ur family moved to the other side of the U.S.A., but they still see u

An orphan was running down the road.. a car pulled up and said "get in" so the orphan got in and said "where we going?" the kidnapper said "i'm taking you to my house" he orphan replied "OML YOUR ADOPTING ME!?"