Your mama so white that her first number was 911.
Your mama so fat when she sits on the toilet it sings, "ABC, 123, get your fat ass off of me!"
Your mama is so fat, when I think of her in my head, she just broke my neck.
Your mama so fat she’s on both sides of the family.
Your mama is so fat, when scientists discovered her, they thought it was a new galaxy.
Your mama is so ugly even the trolls threw up.
Your mama is so ugly, she makes the devil cry.
Your mama is so stupid that when she heard drinks were on the house, she grabbed a ladder.
Your mama so old, her first Christmas was the first Christmas!
your mama so fat that when you were born yo mama gave yu carpet birn
Your mama so fat that’s why Hulk gets big
your mama so fat she broke the stairs to heaven
Your mama so ugly whenever she threw boomerang, it refused to come back
Your mama so fat, that when she ate burger, she liked it.
your hair line went so back you had to cry to your mama
Your hairline so bad even your mama left you
Your mama is so fat that when she went to scale its said no elephants aloud
Your mama is so stupid, her phone died so she buried it in the backyard!
Your mama is so stupid, she made an appointment with Dr. Pepper.
Your mama is so fat, she sunk Atlantis even though it's in the ocean!