Your Mama

Your Mama Jokes

Your mama is so ugly she doesn't have to flush the toilet. She already scared the shit out of it.

Your momma is so fat, when she got in the Pacific, she became the Pacific Ocean.

Your mama's so ugly, she got everything for free.

Your mama is so fat and stupid. She got hit by a school bus. Her reply was, "Who threw that Twinkie at me?"

Yo mama so fat that your mama so fat,mama so fat that, mama so fat that, mama so fat that, mama so fat that, mama so fat that, mama so fat that your mamas just fat

Your mama is so skinny that when she went to go outside, the slightest breeze flew her all the way to New Mexico.

Your mama is so fat that she doesn't get crushed by cars, she crushes cars and babies in strollers on the sidewalk when she falls and doesn't see any remains, so there is no evidence.

Your mama is so far that when she told a joke, no one was laughing, but the floor was literally cracking up.