Your mama is so fat. The Marvel Universe disappeared.
Your mama is so ugly, her shadow got a restraining order.
Your mama so ugly that even Rick Astley had to give her up.
Q: What does your Mama and a slinky have in common?
A: They aren't much to look at, but you can't help cracking a smile when you see it tumbling down the stairs.
Yo mama is so fat and old, when Jesus said "Let there be Light!" he told your mama to move out of the way!
Your mama so fat the flash died halfway running around her.
Your mama is so ugly, she tried summoning Candyman, but he refused to come!
Your mama is so fat that she took a picture at Christmas, and it's still downloading.
Your mama so fat, she walked by a TV and missed eight episodes.
Your mama is so fat that when she fell, I didn't laugh, but the concrete cracked up.
You know, the earth was flat till they buried your mama.
What are two plus sides to being an orphan?
1. All your snacks are family sized.
2. No one can make jokes about your mama.
Your mama so ugly, when Santa Claus came to her house and saw her, he said, "HO HO HOLY SHIT THAT'S ONE UGLY BITCH!"
Your mama's so fat, when she jumps in the pool, the water jumps out!
Your mama so fat when she went to the movies she sat next to everyone
You're so ugly that when your mama had you, she tried to give you away, but there was nowhere to give you.
Your mama's so fat that she can’t even talk, even if Kevin says, "Oh my gosh!" 'cause she has a big ass mouth.
Your mama is so ugly! Ghostface from Scream won't even make that call!
Your mama is so ugly, she summoned Bloody Mary.
She handed her an application through the mirror.
Your mama is so stupid that she put a ruler under her pillow to see how long she slept.