If Thomas Running invented running, what did Paul Walker invent?
What is the difference between Betty White and Paul Walker?
Betty didn’t reach 100 before she died.
why did Paul walker died because he crashed a car in a tree
What is long that Paul walker can fit into his mouth. A long black tree.
What is stronger than family?
The tree Paul Walker hit.
Every male is expected to pass their driver's test. Paul Walker clearly failed his.
Hey did you know Paul walker's gay Why do you say that Because he likes to wrap himself around long old wood
What do Paul Walker and I have in common? Neither of us have seen Fast and the Furious 7.
Why did Nicholas Cage and Angelina Jolie attend Paul Walker’s funeral?
He went from "The Fast and the Furious" to "Gone in 60 Seconds."
What does Nelson mindella and Paul Walker have in common?
They both died at 95.
What’s the difference between Nelson mindella and Paul Walker?
They both died at 95.
(no joke) paul walker is the best legend to go down in history, change my mind
I would make a Paul Walker joke, but it would crash and burn.
I respect anyone who devotes there life to charity work
But I think Paul walker went a step to far
racecar backwards is racecar but racecar sideways is how paul walker died
I unfriended Paul Walker on Xbox because he was always on the dashboard.
What’s loud, red and goes at 200mph?
Paul Walker’s Porsche
How did they figure out what kind of shampoo Paul Walker used? They found his “head and shoulders” in the dash.
What’s Steven Hawkins favourite crisps brand? Walkers
What is the difference between a wheelchair and a walker?