Who are the best at bowling? Terrorists they always throw strikes.
What the similarities of GTA V and 9/11. A plane can be stolen and crashed into a building by a bunch of terrorists.
the terrorists said over the inter com we re coming up to our destination so we cant go over it we cant go under we have to go through it
What time when the terrorist get to new york city? 9:11am
What do you call a swimming terrorist, a bathbomb
People say that Pakistan is a terrorist nation.....
Guys it's not true, even Osama bin Laden lived there peacefully for 6 years
What did the twin towers say to each other
Sorry if that offended anyone
“I guess we are going down together”
two terrorists walk into a bar and the bartender says what can i get you the terrorists both say a beer the baretender overhears them talking that they will 300 people and a donkey the baretender says why a donkey and one terrorist says c i told you no one would care about the people
What did the terrorist think to himself seconds before hitting the tower? “Did I leave the stove on?”
What do u call a Terrorist in a Wheel chair...
Two Twin Towers Topple To Terrorists Terrorizing Twenty To-be-doomed Trip Takers
When I was in middle school, I was kidnapped by a terrorist organization. Al-gebra.
What do you call a terrorist in a wheelchair a RC-XD
What do you call a Terrorist in a whelk chair
Rcxd in bound
What is a group of singing terrorists called? a taliband
What do parents feeding their kids and terrorist have in common? “Here comes the airplane!”
Q: What did the terrorist say during a plain flight? A: “Wow! This flight is the bomb!”
What do you call a low budget terrorist attack? 7/11
What was the last thing to go through the terrorist's mind? The detonator.
What did the terrorist do when his kidneys failed? Dial-ISIS