What's the difference between a golfer and a fisherman? A fisherman has to bring proof back.
Your forehead is so big, John Cena could wrestle on it.
Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!
Bowling is like child support: it involves balls.
What did the bowler say when the balls were on the lane and the pin? They said, "Strike!" 😂😂😂😂
Ball so hard! 😂🤣
Listen, Man United might not thank me but get the contract out, put it on the table. Let him sign it, let him write whatever numbers he wants to put on there, given what he's done since he's come in. Ole's at the wheel, man. He's doing it. He's doing his thing. Man United are BACK.
What's the difference between soccer and a dead baby?
I don't wear steel cap boots when I play soccer.
What does Marcus Rashford say when he comes to the stadium?
I wanna kick some balls!
I was born and raised in Newcastle.
My grandfather used to tell me stories about Penaldo, a goblin from Portugal that travels to England when Newcastle is playing. He scores a tapin and then disappears until the next Newcastle game. I still have nightmares that he’s in our stadium.
So NFL teams were playing football on me, and then Justin Jefferson hit something called "the gritty" on me.
Why can't orphans play baseball?
'Cause they can't find home.
What does an Irish bowler put in his hands to guarantee a wicket next ball?
A bat.
What did the spectator miss when going to the toilet?
The entire English innings.
So I stayed at home for Halloween when I suddenly hear a knock on my door. I open and I see Penandes! I was confused and asked him why he does not wear a costume, and he said he doesn't need to.
Then I realized that he's a ghost and gave him 3 candies. Enjoy the candies Pruno!
I can't believe what just happened. I was at the bowling alley having a great time with my girlfriend when suddenly a man took all of our bowling pins! I asked him why and he said he needed more tapins to keep his career relevant. I instantly realized it was Penaldo!
How can you tell a Pokémon likes baseball?
Every night he turns into a Golbat.
Q: Why did the ballerina get kicked off the squad?
She was standing way too close to the dancers.
What do you say when going for a dunk in basketball?
"Kobe crash!"
It hasn't been the same since Kobe died. I can't say "Kobe" anymore when going to shoot a shot. Now I have to say, "Kobe crash!"