Your mom is so fat that she only knew 3 letters which is K F C
Your mom is so fat that she thought Eminem is a candy
Ur mom so fat that she works as a hydraulic press in a car factory
yo mama so fat she was the asteroid that killed the dinos
yo mama so fat when she go's to the shoe store she needs to take their advice and get XXXXL
Yo mama so fat that she would die before reaching the gates of heaven.
Yo mamma so fat I can see where you got in from now
Yo mamma so fat she the reason Dino’s became extinct
Yo mama so fat that when she pooped poop exploded everywhere
yo mama so fat when the rock hit her with a rock bottom her big fat ass belly let all the pizza explode out her belly
Yo mama so fat that John cena couldn’t get her down with a attitude adjustment
yo mama so fat that when he was talking to a man her bowls fell out
Yo mamma so fat that State Farm tried to get on her side but couldn’t
Yo mamma so fat she the reason why Moses split the red sea
Your mama is so fat that when she went to scale its said no elephants aloud
"Yo mama's so fat, that when she farts Al Gore accuses her of global warming." — Meet the Spartans
Yo mama's so fat, she was overthrown by a small militia group, and now she's known as the Republic of Yo Mama.
Yo mama so fat, when she went up the elevator the World Trade Center collapsed.
Yo momma so fat when she tried to hang herself the noose broke.
Arden is so fat