What is a self-harm person's favorite game?
Fruit Ninja.
Australian says to American: why do you have such bad gun laws?
American: Self defense.
Australian: Self defense against 50 innocent children?
The school shooter points the gun at the emo kid while the shooter tries to shoot him the emo kid dodges the bullets like the matrix and takes the gun away from the shooter and shoots him self.
what do you call an orphans family photo a self portrait
Officer, I drop-kicked that child in self-defense!
You gotta believe me!
Is a selfie of an orphan a self-portrait or family photo?
What's an orphans favourite flower? Self-raising flour
Yo momma so fat, when she pulled out the chair, it screamed and broke itself.
there was this boy he had diarrhea and he kept asking to go to the bathroom but the teacher said no next ting you know he poop his self infront of the class.