Who says Rihanna isn't charitable?
I mean, she found Johnny Depp for her fashion show, by scouting for people living in tents down in Skid Row.
Joe Biden walks into the White House kitchen. "Are those brownies, I smell?", he asks. "Indeed, they are.", he was told. "Gee", he says, "they smell nothing like Girl Scouts."
Why was Michael Jackson, kicked out of boy scouts? He was up to a pack a day!!
I seen a bus the other day with some boy scouts at the back, one of em was having fun getting his knot tying badge.
why does aaron eat burgers on a wednesday? because his spine is bent and his favourite gun in apex legends is the g7 scout and he uses the speedy spanish man
When does a cub become a Boy Scout When he eats his first brownie
What do Boy Scouts and IG models have in common? They both be fucking sugar daddies
What’s Blue and comes in Brownies? Cub scouts.
Joe, l wish you had never asked me to scout for a fresh tight end
what is red, green, lies in a ditch and is covered in cookie crumbs?
...a girl scout that got hit by a car