Nah north korea got inspired by the fatman nuke that he also became a fatman with nukes
NORTH INDIANS: Decent, but overrated af. They are the only thing that comes to many ppl's minds when someone says "Indian" SOUTH INDIANS: Decent, but underrated af. Many ppl dont even know they exist. They are literally asked if they are North Indians WEST AND EAST: Decent but underrated af.
What do you call a rich Chinese person? Cha-ching!
Ask Siri what rich North Koreans are there.
Siri: "I could not find anything for this question."
The north and south towers got into an argument.
The south tower said “we will talk about this when we are on the ground”
n 1941, Hans, a young German boy, was listening to the radio. Over the radio, Hitler announced that Germany was now going to war with the United States. “Father, where is the United States,” Hans asked. His father pointed at a map of North America. “Aren’t we currently at war with Russia? Where might that be,” he questioned his father. The man pointed towards the Soviet Union. “And I’m told we’re also at war with the British Empire. Where is that?” The father pointed out all of the territories owned by the British. “Where is Germany again, Father?” He pointed to their home country in Central Europe. Hans pondered this information for a second. “One last question, Father.” “Yes?” “Has Hitler seen this map?”
Let's hope the new tower doesn't go plane watching like the old ones
North Tower: Hey south tower we can talk later I gotta catch a plane
Why was the north tower a bad doctor when the south tower collapsed? Bc the north tower didn’t do cpr
South Tower: Man, that was da bomb
North Tower: No, that was da plane
When the South Tower saw the North Tower collapse, he said, "I'm still standing."
yo mama so fat that the US (mexico) and north korea (south korea) got into war fighting over who gets to use her as their border wall
What did the south tower say to the baby north tower
Here comes the airplane
The north tower wanted some salted fries at burger king. They were plane as usual.
A Chinese, Japanese, South Korean and North Korean all walk into a bar
The Landlord says "why the same faces lads".
Why can't you get water in the North Pole? Because there is no well
What did the north tower say to the south tower in summer?
Are you ready for fall?
Your hairline's so bent, it goes west, east, north, and south!
Why did the North Tower want chocolate ice cream?
Because he didn't want plane.
What did the north tower say to the south tower?
"You're too young to smoke."
North Korea
What did the South Tower ask the North Tower?