Max likes his girls like he likes his wine. 7 years old and locked in his basement.
People be like: "What happened to Fruit Ninja? It was on your phone."
Me: "I upgraded, now I can play on my pro max thigh/wrists."
Fun fact: The max comments on a joke in this website is 1000 (LINK IN COMMENTS FOR PROOF)
*School Shooter Walks In*
That one kid who play Pumpes Up Kicks at max Volume
in the new grinch the whos would say he stole christmest get him then the grinch said im a orphan that changes everything the whos said what would they do if max was a orphan
Max alexender heart is adopted
Max heart and his gay cousin nickals amoto say i back out a fight when he said let's fight then last minute he said he don't want to then says i chickened out i ready to fight but his gut swolled his arms he actually looks like humpty dumpty but just wanted to say he backed out + max and nickals are both gay with each other
I just figured out the "X" in Max stands for the button on tinder every girl wants to press when they see him.
cooper and max wanna get fucked in the ass by guys
Hey max what’s up the sky
My dog is named Max, and he likes to eat dog food. Therefore, everyone named Max likes to eat dog food.
Max's joke is literally a joke