
Jacob Jokes

Me: Hi Jacob Jacob: Hi Me: your parents went to jail for littering when you were born Jacob: GOO GOO GAH GAH

Peter: Curses Jacob: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth Peter: *Crying* Jacob: Why are you crying Jacob: Whatever * Leaves orphanage*

Hey, if you've watched Twilight with Edward, Bella, and Jacob then here's something for you. Do you think Bella should have gotten with Jacob? I think she should have ngl

My teacher asks all of us in class what is your favorite thing in the world? Josh: Cookies-Jacob-My parents-Erika-My Friends!-Brody-Lamborghinis.-Me-Pulling over in a car in the middle of nowhere at night with my girlfriend and getting in the back seat where the magic happens.... ;)-My Teacher-Ok every one that was all good..... WAIT A DANG SECOND *Everyone Looks at Me With A Weird Face....

You’re so lame you don’t have a superpower! Yah I do! Oh yeah what is it? My diaphragm contracts and moves downwards into my chest cavity and my lungs expand! That’s breathing Jim. NO IT’S NOT ,JACOB, YOU CAN’T PROVE IT!