Yo mama so ugly that when the Koolaid Man busted through her wall, he said “Oh no!”
I saw a fat woman at the bus stop today So I asked her, "when's it due?" She replied, "I'm not fucking pregnant you rude prick!" I said, "I meant the bus you fat cunt"
My girlfriend broke up with me so I stole her wheelchair gusse who came crawing back
You want to get her pregnant before marriage to know if she's fertile, so why not marry a single mother that already has proof?
My sis told me that onions are the only food that can make you cry...
So I threw a coconut at her.
I wondered y there was red all over my bathroom til I found out tht my sis had dyed her hair red man it looked like somebody dyed in there! lol
yo mama is so fat that her wheelchair had to be made into a couch
Me when my girlfriend comes home I check her phone and there are 100 texts from a different guy asking her out and her text says yes. Get the whip your out
yo mama so fat Donald trump himself tried to use her as his border wall in 2016
Yo mama is so ugly, that her portraits hang themselves
yo momma is so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing
Yo mama is so ugly that Rick Astley gave her up
Your mom's so poor, she chased the garbage truck with her grocery list.
Yo mama is so retarded they tell her it was gonna be chilly outside she went and got a bowl
Yo mama is so fat when she goes to the dentist, they make her lay face down.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to fill her car with Vin Diesel.
Today I got a lecture from my mother, and congratulated her. Why?
Because she managed not to damage me in a physical fashion.
A guy is on trial for leading a mob to gang rape a woman he'd taken out for a date. His defense is that he was helping her live out a fantasy.
The DA is furious and asks him WTF gave him that idea. He said, "After the date I took her back to her house, pulled out my dick, and tried to hand it to her. She told me, 'You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Seriously, go get some help!'"
Yo mama's so ugly, that sonic needed to go fast to get away from her face.
Yo mama so fat that the US (Mexico) and North Korea (South Korea) got into a war fighting over who gets to use her as their border wall.