Fell Jokes

The first child, Daisy, asks her mother why she is named Daisy. The mother said "That's because a daisy fell on your head when you were born". The second child, Raindrop, asked why he is named Raindrop, and the mother said "That's because a drop of rain fell on your head when you were born" Then the third child, Cinderblock, said "fxg,kxf dsdsvtg,hjer,btjh,rbtsvikvsdtxde43f"

Indian guy and American guy in a wheelchair met in a Bar for drinks. American guy got drunk and fell on the sidewalk. Indian guy got drunk and walked away.

Two guys watching a war movie at a Bar are talking , one says to the other. " The Nazi's starved my dad to death in a concentration camp during the war". The other says " my Dad died in a camp as well...he broke his neck" First guy says " how did he break his neck?" Second guy says " He fell out of the Guard Tower".

Yo momma's decided to go to KFC, until she realized she had to share with her family, so she bought ten buckets and cashier said ''here is the reciept'' now yo momma got afraid of how much money she had to spend, despiting on how she spended more than drakes net worth that he can even lend, she went back home seeing her family looking at her and the KFC, thinking that could be her rent, but the whole family dug into the food, by the second they see the plates empty, and seeing the lazy mom steady, she ate so much she wasn't ready until she fell, which caused an earthquake, which made her go to jail, which caused her to be scary.

When i was going downstairs Sum Ting Wong fell and doctors say Sum Ting Wong happened

ur mum is so fat that when she lived in a flat on the highest floor, she fell through the inner floor

11th of September is considered 9/11 in America, The twin towers, fell on 9/11 in 2001, But to call an emergency in America you dial 911! 😮 You could say they dialled that correctly

joe mama so fat when she got sturdy she tripped on her shoelaces fell on her face and fell down 2 floors

My wife is so fat! I took her to the Grand Canyon she fell in and got stuck!

1+1 answer 2 said all the kids but 1 kid said 5 then I said your mom fells inbarest cause everyday you look in to the mirror you see how empty your brain is