Life's too short to want it.
"Boom, quick; you have five seconds to give me three reasons to live." "1......2......3 .....4....5..." Did you notice you said nothing at all?
My favorite joke is my life.
What's the difference between my imaginary friend and God?
They're both imaginary.
Christmas. Living proof arseholes exist
My life.
Tell me when you get it.
Thankfully, I'm still alive because I fail at everything in life.
My entire existence
Why doesn't my egg want to crack?
Because I hate my egg-sistence.
How many degrees does it take to change ice into boiling water? 199, because, the difference between -100 and +100 is 199 (excluding the zero, because it's not real and it doesn't exist because it's not real). Get?
Why did the glacier send the ice berg to college? Because, in order for ice to exist, it must retain a temperature of less than... ZERO DEGREES; at the atomic level.
What's the difference between Madlen Makan and Stephen Hawking?
Nothing, they're both dead.
I liked my life when I first got it... Later they said no because I didn’t have the receipt.
What do your teacher and your friend have in common?
They will both die eventually.
You know what relationships and life? They both come to an end.
What do you get when you cross a cow with a fish?
A genetically unstable animal that is impossible and would die instantly upon existing. If it could live, it would be a deformed, parasitic tumor that undulates through people.
What do fire and people have in common?
They will both eventually die out.
I hate my birthday. For my first birthday my mom gave me my life. I liked it when it was new and fun. Now it's broken and sad and I wanna take it back.