The Joke of Life

I think I found the worst joke in life. For me, it's that I have always been unwanted and alone for my whole life, and I've never even been in a relationship with anyone, and I'm 31 years old, and I also know that deep down, I'm always going to be alone and unhappy. All I get out of life is seeing everyone else with someone and knowing it will never happen for me. I think that's the worst joke I can think of... LIFE.

Still living when you know you'll never find someone to be with.

I apologize with the wording to this; it's another thing I am a failure at.

Feel free to comment.



Explain Bear

Listen here, nimrod. The "joke" is that life is a big ol' prank, especially for the dude who wrote this. He feels like he's always gonna be solo and bummed out, watching everyone else couple up while he stays single. That's the punchline—or lack thereof. It's less of a ha-ha and more of a wah-wah. In fact, that's not even a joke. It's just sad.

Comments (5)

I hope you find love one day and i wish you can appreciate it, not like other people who has what you want and don't do that. I also I hope you can understand my English. :)

I hope you find love one day and i wish you can appreciate it, not like other people who has what you want and don't do that. I also I hope you can understand my English. :)

For the person that was anonymous, but yeah as sad as it is not only have I been unwanted and alone but I did have one somewhat relationship in school when I was 15 but she cheated on me with another guy and recently I thought a girl finally liked me but found out it was all a lie and she was seeing someone on the down low ,also not counting that I am a failure at pretty much everything and am a extremely depressed person all the time

Sorry this comment was a little long


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