whats the difference between Tyler and a rooster? A rooster says cock a doodle doo, Tyler says any cock will do.
What’s the difference between a hoe and a roster? A roster says cockle doodle doo and a hoe says any cock will do
You look like something I drew with my left hand.
What did the baker say when he forgot the cookie sheets?🍪
Ooh,snicker doodles.
Why did the rooster cross the road?
To Cock-A-Doodle Die. Now you have a rooster pancake. My favorite. ^^
Yankee doodle went to town riding on a pony, he opened up a pasta shop and made some macaroni.
herishy me lava u why did u leave mee wahh wahh baby sharka doodle do to to babyyy cutie pie...