
Difference Jokes

Someone walks up to his dad and says Dad what’s the difference between potentiality and reality soo ok the dad says to the son go ask your mother sister and your brother if they’d sleep with the postman for a $1,000,000 so the son comes back 5 minutes later and said dad they all said they would sleep with the postman so son petentilay we have a million dollars but in reality we have two slits and a gay one

Whats the difference betwee a pair of jeans and an african baby?

A pair of jeans only has 1 fly .

Me-"Whats the difference between an apple and an emo" Friend-"i dont know" Me- an apple actually falls from the tree

What's the difference between an orphan dying and a bag of groceries being dropped? While most agree that both are unfortunate, people actually care when they drop their groceries.

What is the difference between the subway guy and a priest?

The subway guy DIDN’T get away with it...

you know what the difference between kobe bryant and russel westbrook, he wears 0 and kobe has 0 lives left

You know if you Poo on the toilet at 11:59 pm... then at 12:01 am, its just the same shit , different day.....