If I die, delete my search history.
Whats the difference between and abortion clinic and a computer? Ctrl+Alt+delete
Drop me in Afghanistan with a cigar, a Kobe jersey, a MAC-10, a Lambo Huracan with a bumper delete, and a Toyota Tacoma with an M249 on the back. Then I'll have Afghanistan as the 51st state by midnight.
ATTENTION EVERYBODY: I am the owner of this website, and I will be deleting it in 5 hours. Thank you everybody who has participated in this website's life. Goodbye!
Guys, I know how to stop racism. Delete the word racism. People can't be something that doesn't exist
I went to jail because i gave the orphan kid a calendar with 363 days
(i deleted mother's day and father's day)
what is an emos favrut game to delete cut the rope
Hi, I...
Sorry, my cat touched my computer. I don't know how to delete.
The joke is that if you take a cap off a bottle, is it decapitation?
Sorry guys, it's a hard word to spell.
Hilary Clinton could be the first F president ever elected in to office.
Sorry it was supposed to say Female but the emale got deleted.
Steven hawking did not die he deleted him self
If you take a cap off a bottle, is it decapitation?
Sorry guys, I tried. I tried harder this time. I'll try again. Sorry, I can't delete things.
I was using my computer one time and I pressed Ctrl-Alt-Delete, and Stephen Hawking went into a deep sleep.
Are you a nation leader or an email deleter?
Whoever is deleting my messages, comment and say why!
When a kindergarten teacher asks a kid to sing the alphabet, he said "ab3defg." The teacher said, "Do you like 3D?" He said, "Yeah." The teacher yelled, "Okay, do you have a 3DS?" He said yes. The teacher goes into his bag and says, "Say ABCs or your 3DS will be destroyed." He says, "ab3defghijlmnopqrs." "Oh, he learned well." The teacher threw the 3DS out the window. The kid gets it, and it still works. Then he googles ABCs. It goes to YouTube and says, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz." The teacher is proud of the 3DS. The class went home telling parents.
an emo kid in a leaf falls from a tree who falls first delete the rope stp the emo
we have dicided to delete this part of this site on 10/24/2022
Who deleted my stuff??? Woooow, you racist just because I'm Hispanic?
Hey guys, it's Gwen, and I want to say that I'm deleting my account regarding a comment made on my last post :(
hi guys its gwen goodmorning people just to let you know i am deleting my account Tomorrow