Nurse: Don't worry i'm great with babies. Parents: You are? Nurse: Yea, i always abort them. Parent:... Parent: Your hired
Why do you put a baby in a blender feet first?
So you can see the look on its face as you climax.
If you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, why do some people have more than one child.
How do u turn a baby into a dog? Douse it in gasoline- light a match-*WOOF*
My mum told me to stop playing with my sister; she said at least wait for her to be born first.
What cries, is red, and is a pokey boi? The baby you just feed nails to.
How did the Dead baby cross the road? It was strapped to the chicken.
how to make a baby make funny faces Put it feet first in a blender
How do you fit 15 babies into a shoe box? A blender
How do you get them out of the shoe box? A straw
My son
what is worse 10 babies stapled to 1 tree? 1 baby stapled to ten trees.
What do you call a cheap circumcision?
A rip off.
How do you make a dead baby float?
1 cup rootbeer 2 scoops dead baby.
Why can't two Chinese people have a white baby? Because "two wongs don't make a white."
How long does it take for 5 babies to die in the microwave?
I don't know, I can't count while I masturbate.......
Why did the shark fisherman stop at the abortion clinic? Because dead babies make the best chum! :)
what's the hardest part of running through a field of dead babies
My boner
Why do baby’s cry? Cuz they can’t suck very well.
What is worse than a dead baby in a trash can? 100 dead babies in a trash can. What is worse than that? There's a live one at the bottom. What is worse than that? It eats its way out. What is worse than that? It comes back for seconds.
Whats worse than five babies stapled to one tree? One baby stapled to five trees.