
Asked Jokes

One day this kid says to his dad."Dad they bully at school.''His dad asks why.And the kid says''They bully me because I got no hands.''Then his dad says.''who would do such a thing like that,I want to know who they are point at them.''

A man is on his deathbed in prison by electric chair. The man who controls the chair asks for any last words. The prisoner reply’s with: “Can you hold my hand?”

Michael J Fox walks into an ice cream parlour. The man behind the counter asks Michael. Can I help you? Michael exclaims I would like an ice cream? The man behind the counter asks. What flavour? Michael says. It doesn't matter what flavour, I'm gunna fucken drop it anyway.

Your mom is soo fat when she asked "what gift will I get" abuela from encanto said DEFINITELY TACO BELL 🌮🔔

when you ask an orphan to come over Kid: Do you want to come over to my house. Orphan: Yeah sure. Kid: Ok ask your parents oh wait.

i asked my mom what her biggest regret was for a project at school and she said oh go look in the bathroom above the sink.........there was a mirror

i asked a man i was the fastest gun in the west. he said my 17 wasn't good enough. after that, a lot of lead went into his head.

Some guy asked me are you better then my meat, I said no im not better, i just beat it all the time

This kid was crying so I asked him where his parents where. He just cried harder. I still remember him every time I pass that orphanage.