Yo mama so old, her photos are in a museum and her friends are in a graveyard.
Yo mama so fat, that when she took a selfie, she needed 2 phones
your mum so cute that i asked for her number ans she said yes and now were dating
yo mama so fat when she went on the weighing scale it aid to be continued.
yo mama so fat her yearbook picture was a double page spread
Yo mama so ugly, she got a lifetime ban from KFC for ordering too many burgers.
Yo mama so fat, she has to use pillowcases for socks.
Yo mama is so stupid, she thought Instagram was a weed delivery service.
You mama so fat she was mistaken for Eric cart man form South Park
Blood may be thicker than water, but yo mama is thicker than anything!
your mama so fat when scientist discovered her they thought it was a new galaxy
yo momma so fat when she farted the Big Bang occurred
Yo mama is so fat, she jumped on a trampoline and she broke it.
Me: Yo mama so fat her alphabet starts with O.
My friend: What's that supposed to mean?
Me: O B C D.
yo mama so fat she got married by 20 men but they think there's only one side of her ;v; I tried making one of my own
Yo mama so fat, she doesn't count as 1 person bro, she counts as 40 people.
Yo mama so old, she pre-ordered the Bible.
Yo mama so fat and old, she's the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs!
bro if you think about it ur mom and god have 1 thing in common... there both big
bro yo mama so fat Thanos had to clap her out of existence