What did the twin towers order for dinner
2 large planes
What did the twin towers order for dinner
2 large planes
What is the difference between Clash Royale and the Twin Towers?
Clash Royale still has a tower.
Are you twinning today? Because The Rock would be shocked!
Why did the Twin Towers go shopping?
To get some plane bread.
My family was watching Home Alone 2, so whenever Kevin was at the top of the Twin Towers, I threw a paper airplane at the T.V.
After 9/11, the Twin Towers began to vape and smoke weed... 😔
Why were the Twin Towers so good at football? They were the best wide receiver of their time!
Are you the Twin Towers? I can't stand you.
I have a Twin Towers model in my room.
It got infested with jumping spiders.
It was a blast to visit the twin towers on 9/11 on exactly 8:46 a.m. it was the bomb...like literally
If I throw a paper airplane at two twins, did I cause 9/11?
Who is older than the Twin Towers?
Billy Bob the 1th. He was older than the Twin Towers. He was born 3 minutes before the Twin Towers and is still alive today.
The twins are falling down
Ever seen twins?
If you said yes, was it before or after 2001?
Me as a 5-year-old: How do you relate to the Twin Towers?
Friend: What?
Me: Every time I think of them, I feel sad.