You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, making fun of the disabled. After all, they can't stand up for themselves.
What's something a depressed person can do that a regular person can't?
The depressed person can scan themself.
How do emos fly? They hang themselves.
I told myself I needed to stop drinking so much. But I'm not about to start listening to some drunk weirdo who talks to themself.
What does a depressed kid who loves geometry use to kill themself? A hypoteNUSE!
Kids in wheelchairs can't stand up for themself if there's a bully.
Why is emo grass better than normal grass?
Emo grass is gonna cut themself.
I love teaching students
how to make them harm themselfs
9/11 jokes are that deadly not even the towers could hold themself up
Whyed the emo have to friends"becuase they like to hang by themself"
When a stranger keeps telling kids to kill themselves AKA the Stigg.
What do you call an orphan taking a picture of themself? A family photo.