damn the terrorist from csgo really do be learning to fly
who crashed the plane? 1. Abu Faram?- terrorist 2. The little kid Joseph? 3. The passed out pilot?
What do you call a trash bin for 9/11?
Osama Bin Laden
Osama's aim was horrible. One of his angry birds missed and hit a field in Pennsylvania.
Why were the terrorists upset on 911? bcz 1 of the 4 missed its target.
A russian, a brit and a terrorist are in an air balloon. First the russian says "i dare to throw a stone down" So he does that but the others dont seem to be impressed so the brit says " i dare to throw a brick down " so again he does that, the russian is impressed but the terrorist laughs and says " i dare to throw a bomb down " so he does that and everybody cant believe what they have just seen so a bit further they land and a shocked and an afraid little boy comes running up to them so they ask what happened, on wich the little boy said " I farted and my school exploded".
I saw some terrorists on family feud, it looked like they had 3 strikes.
Why did the terrorist not go undercover? Bcz he blew it
Who are the best at bowling?
Terrorists, they always throw strikes.
What's the best part of a terrorist on fourth of July The finale
What do you call a suicide bomber under the water?
A bath bomb.
What do you call two terrorists standing next to each other with there dicks out?
The Twin Towers
u heard to the pixar movie up but have u heard of down down the 9/11 terrorist attack?
The Twin Towers should've known they were gonna get hit when their mom said, "Here comes the airplane!"
Imagine working at the World Trade Center, only for Osama bin Laden to call and ask if he could crash at your place.
why did my dad cross the road.
to get to the nearest building so he wouldn't die in the crippling smoke of the most terrifying and only terrorist attack on american soil
Hey, are you a terrorist? 'Cause I rate you 9/11.
why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers. because they can go through 100 stories in 7 seconds
I wish they taught 9/11 at school.
It would make these jokes more explosive. 🧨
I feel bad for the people who died in 2001. Those poor terrorists died doing their job.