If I went to Walmart, I would be able to scan my own wrists because they're barcodes too.
What happened when the emo went through the self-checkout?
Two beeps went off.
I don't need to go to the car dealership when I have a Geico scanner on my arm at all times. 😏
Me: tries to scan self at Walmart. I can't scan myself, wanna know why?
Alfred: Why?
Me: because I'm worthless... =)
I know I'm valuable I come with a barcode
Next time at Walmart, I'm going to scan my wrist. They are basically barcodes.
I went to self-checkout at a store and I scanned my products, but the scanner wouldn't scan the barcode on my arm.
I went to the store the other day and scanned an emo's arm.
It gave me a discount!
Taking you to go grocery shopping does have its perks... You get to scan their wrists for discounts!
What do emo kids scan at the store? Their wrist.