
Polarization Jokes

Can anyone answer this riddle? Apparently this is the worlds hardest riddle! Good luck šŸ˜- ā€œI turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities.ā€

How do you catch a polar bear? Cut a hole in the ice, put peas around it, when the polar bear goes to take a pea you kick him in the ice hole

A polar bear walks into a bar, asks the barman ā€˜a pint of lager................. and a packet of crispsā€™ The barman ā€˜ why the large pauseā€™

A penguin and a polar bear are sitting in a bathtub. The penguin asks the polar bear,"hey, can you pass the soap?" The polar bear obliges. A few moments later, the penguin asks,"hey, can you pass the scrubber?" The polar bear does. Shortly after that, the penguin says,"hey, can you pass the rubber ducky."

The polar bear, beginning to become upset, turns to the penguin and says,"What do you think I am? a radio?!?"