what makes a child an orphan?
their parents left the for good :D
do you know why orphans cant get married. because they will never get there parents blessing
What is an orphan's favorite song? "Lost Boy."
what does orphans in Batman have in common.they'll never see their parents again
I went to ask my friends mom if I could have a sleepover Then I rememberd they did not have a mom or dad
When you get mad, just punch an orphan. Who are they going to tell? Their mom?
A homeless kid walked up to another kid and said i have what you dont he said (parents)and the kid said your right i do have parents and walked away
Little Johnny said he wanted a coffee. SO his mom said he can have one. He got an esspresso not knowing depresso came with it.
School teacher: "Hey kid. why don't you just go home to your family?" Orphan: "My family never came back for me" School teacher: "Your daddy must of really needed that milk"
my parents used to make me and my siblings apologize to the ground when we stomped if i had done 'it' i would have gotten SO many apologies