
Hill Jokes

A hill billy female has to decide if she would save her brother or her boyfriend. She chose both because her brother is her boyfriend.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to catch some pale of water Jack come down and then Jill came tumbling after so they had a baby...

Jack and Jill went up the hill to go and have some fun Silly Jill forgot the pill and now they have a son.

jack and Jill ran up the hill to pop some pills and Jill said jack can do her with out here will and jacks penis was still

Jack and Jill went up the hill so Jill could wack off Jack, Jill yelled out Jack, where is your sack? Said I'm not Jack I'm your friend Nancy


Jack and Jill went up the hill both had Bacardi rum, when Jill's was gone she wanted Jacks that's why she took it from him

Jack and Jill went up the hill 'cause Jack took a viagra, Jill was drunk fell to her knee, Jack had his chance did Jill till 3


Jack and Jill went up the hill to start to build the still for Jill, Jack stopped and said to drunkin' Jill to build this still will take so long, Jill said to Jack well F---k the still and kiss my ass, and watch me take another pill.

Jack and Jill went up the hill, they turned to drunks and have no will, Jill said to Jack your love reveal, then think of building me a still.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke marijuana. Jack got high, pulled down his fly, and asked if she wanna. Jill said yes and pulled up her dress, and they had a little fun. Stupid Jill forgot the pill, now they have a son.


Ever wonder why pandas are endangered? Well, China's overcrowded, and therefore they're starving. They have to eat...

Panda: "My god. They're coming! Run! They're hungry! Run! Roll down the hill!"

Chinese People At Bottom Of Mountain With Spears: "Ching chong wing bong KABOB!!!"