What do you call a gay person on fire? LGBBQ.
What do you call a disabled person on fire? Hot wheels.
What do you call an Asian person on fire? Vietnam.
What do you call a gay person on fire? LGBBQ.
What do you call a disabled person on fire? Hot wheels.
What do you call an Asian person on fire? Vietnam.
Why can’t you have a proper conversation with a gay person?
They’re never straight with you.
Why can't there be a gay disabled person?
Because a fruit can't be the same as a vegetable.
What is the difference between a gay person and a refrigerator?
The refrigerator doesn’t start moaning and groaning when you try to put the meat in.
Below I meant to say I set the gay person on fire.
I set a gay person on fire. We now call him LGBBQ.
What's the difference between a refrigerator and a gay person...
It don't moan when u put milk inside.
What’s a gay person’s favorite race track?
Rainbow road
- The emo went to give the tree a high five, but the emo was left hanging.
- How did the gay person die? Homicide.
- Why did the emo get kicked out of the amusement park? He was cutting in line.
- When does a joke turn into a dad joke? When it leaves and never comes back.
- I cried when my dad chopped onions. Onions was such a good dog.
- I have happy memories building sandcastles with my dad, until my mom took his urn away.
- How is the person over there different from cancer? His dad didn't beat cancer.
What is a gay person’s favorite book?
The dictionary.
Why do you never see a gay person in a wheelchair?
Because once you're a fruit, you can't be a vegetable.