Awesome amazing game
My pathological cheater of a sister wanted to play a board game with me. I turned her down because I didn't like the Risk involved.
Why can’t Indians play football...... cause every time they take a corner they make a shop
Hi 👋 I have some good idea 💡 was the best game I’ve
why can't cheetahs play any games
because they're cheetahs
How did Fortnite record their henchman sounds?
They asked a bunch of kids with Down syndrome to film a documentary.
What is a fish’s 🐟 favorite game?
Salmon Says!
Two flies were playing football in a saucer. One tells the other, “ you’ll need more practice if you want to play in the cup”
My friend loves playing Roulette, so I figured I would introduce him to Russian Roulette. Blew his mind.
My girlfriend and I played Russian Roulette once.
We had sex afterwards even though she lost.
You want to know the bad thing? Only 5 out of 6 people like Russian roulette.
Tigger was playing hide & seek so he looked in the toilet but all he found was pooh
If you bet on Russian roulette even if you win you still lose
Why are cats 🐈 good at video games!
Because they have nine lives!
Friend: Hey, wanna play hide and seek? Me: Sure, I've got a great spot! Me: *grabs knife and runs to my closet*
Why is the cheetah so bad at hide n seek ? Because Everytime she hides she will always spotted
Why are frogs good at basketball?
Because they always make jump shots.
i tried to play with Rock but it was hard
Why do orphans play tennis because that's the only thing they loved