Nazis have marched in Melbourne. Are you sure Eric Clapton and Carrie Underwood are not touring in Australia?
Eric's mom asked her son why his bag was heavy and if it was because of books. Eric replied, "No, magazines."
We sped up the cycle of life and death, we gave Eric and Dylan a shortcut.
hi Eric le
I used to have a son, but he died the same way Eric Clapton's son died. For inspiration.
My science teacher was talking about natural selection.
At one point, she asked me to name the first person to theorize about it. I said, "Eric Harris." It was on his shirt.
If you don't get the joke, look up "Eric Harris natural selection."
You mama so fat she was mistaken for Eric cart man form South Park
Friend: Eric, spell mouse. Eric: M O U S. Friend: Yes - But what's on the end of it?