People ask me, "Are you an organ donor?"
"Yeah, over my dead body!"
People ask me, "Are you an organ donor?"
"Yeah, over my dead body!"
What does the Bartles and Jaymes wine cooler television ad have in common with ministers who are white Christian nationalists?
They both thank you for your financial support.
If you donate one kidney, everybody loves you, and you’re a total hero. But donate five, and suddenly everyone is yelling. Geez!
I hope Stephen Hawking's an organ donor because I need new parts for my go-cart.
I wonder if Stephen Hawking was an organ donor, because I need new parts for my go-kart.
I hope Stephen Hawking was an organ donor, 'cause I need some parts for my go-cart.
I asked Stephen if he was an organ donor, and he said why.
I said, "That's a shame. I need parts for my go-cart."
An attractive man and a blonde meet in an elevator.
"Where are you heading today?" the man asks.
"I'm going down to give blood."
"How much do you get paid for giving blood?"
"About $30."
"Wow," says the man, "I'm going up to donate sperm, and the sperm bank pays $100."
The woman, slightly annoyed, gets off the elevator. The next day, the man and woman meet in the elevator again.
"Fancy meeting you again. Where you off to today?"
"Sperm bank," she mumbles with her mouth full.
I donated 100 dollars to a blind children’s charity. Too bad they won’t ever see a dime of it.
Did you know that whenever i read my blood donor ID?
Because it says 'B Positive'
My grandma refused to be an organ donor. She was buried with all her musical instruments.