What do you call a dog turd in China?
Waste of food.
What do you call a dog turd in China?
Waste of food.
Who cooks in a lesbian relationship?
Neither one of them, they eat out.
What does a bridge and a fat chick have in common?
They’ll eventually get laid by a Mexican.
What does the word circumcise mean?
Cut off a boy's or a man's dick, or cut off a girl's or a woman's foreskin.
What does a white person say when they're surrounded by black guys? "Hey, who turned the lights out?!"
I really used to be into emo chicks. Now they just don't make the cut.
I was in the corner shop to buy some lottery tickets, and the Indian woman was sporting a red dot on her forehead. I scratched it off and won a fucking Ford Focus!
Where does a black Eskimo live?
In a Nigglu.
Sparkling water was invented by Germans. Who else would add gas?
Why do Black people not like country music?
Because every time they hear "hoedown," they think their sister got shot.
If Kamala Harris is Indian, why doesn’t she have that dot on her head?
So she claims to be.
And the only black color I know is when you shut off the lights.
I don’t know if Jesus was black or white, but I know he for sure wasn’t Asian because people wouldn’t ask him to take the wheel.
The USA guaranteeing freedom of speech is the biggest joke I've heard... Tell that to the people who were almost killed because their cars had "NASCAR Sucks" and "Country and Western is rubbish" on them!
James Last, the king of the LP bargain bin, died a Florida Man.
Why are people in Japan so thin?
Because it didn't end well the last time a Fat Man was there.