What's a brother and sister from Alabama's favorite sex position?
The cowgirl.
What's a brother and sister from Alabama's favorite sex position?
The cowgirl.
Joke: Genders are much like the twin towers, they're used to be two but now it's a sensitive subject
Be careful what you say around Indians, the red dot means they're recording.
BTW, I am one, wahahaa!
Why do Chinese people hate Christmas? Because they make the toys.
Me: Hey, are you going to Sawcon?
Sensei: What is that?
Me: Saw con deez nu...
Sensei: Oh, is it for people with ligma?
Me: What’s ligm...
Sensei: 😈
Me: no no no no
Sensei: Ligma ba...
When you have a hand clock it goes tic-tac.
When an American has it go backwards, it's tactic.
What do you call a Chinese millionaire?
Cha ching.
The old cookoo master on the top of Mt. Qinshan told me this when I was eating sushi:
"The first bite tastes like heaven, the second takes you there."
Why do apple trees like emo kids?
Because they like to play yoyo with them.
Teddy’s got a man in his Fanny.
An Asian gets a choice between his rice cooker or his son. He instantly picks the cooker and says, "He got a B+ in maths last week; he's a failure!"
If an Indian had powers, it would be throwing tika masala.