Why did the cow cross the road ? TO PROVE HE WASN'T A CHICKEN.
What did the cow and bull do for their first date? - Dinner and a Moovie.
where did the moon go to space? to the MOOn
A farmer counted 196 cows in the field. But when he rounded them up, he had 200.
What did the cow say to the cheese? I am your father
What do you call a cow that's laying down? Ground Beef
Where do alien cows come from?
- The Milky Way.
I got udder jokes too.
Once my dad left to get milk then I realized we own a cow.
What’s a cow with no body and no nose Nobody nose
Why did the cow jump over the moon?
Because the farmer had cold hands!
Your mum lol teehee
What's goes "Ooooooo."? A cow with no lips
What do cows like to watch? Moovies.
What do you call a cow you can’t see? Camooflauged
A cow's favorite singer: Adam Bovine of Mooroon 5
What do you get from pampered cows? Spoiled Milk
What did one angry cow say to another?
We got some beef.
A momma cow and three baby calves are on a farm. The first baby calf asks the momma cow, "Mom why is my name Rose?"
The mom responded, "Well you see, when were you born, a rose petal fell on your head."
The second one asks her, "Then why is my name Daisy?"
The mom chuckled and simply replied with, "When you were born, Daisy petals on your head."
The last one said, "DUH DUR SURH!"
The mom said, "SHUT UP, CINDER BLOCK!"
There r 30 cows in a field, 28 chickens, How many didn't?
A - 10
A Man and a Cow are stuck on train tracks and There is a Train in the distance about to hit both of them. A vegan sees this and tries to help. Who does He save, The man or the cow? Neither. He isn't strong enough to lift either of them.