I like porn a lot. I was wondering if you guys can talk to me.
On this website, I just searched up "My jokes". In response, it said, "No jokes found." Wth.
Never search up "monkey with blue balls."
Should cishet people REALLY be watching Ranboo?
One like = more from me to you. 👊
Go sub to Patty Mahomes on YouTube!
What's the most horrifying video in the world?
Logan Paul vlogs.
Hello, I am the WJE (WORST JOKES EVER) Bot. Like this post if you think it's good; dislike if you think it's bad!
Alia’s YouTube channel.
Scrolled through all of them, still haven't laughed.
The morbid jokes on this site.
Why can’t orphans watch clean nice content? Because they are family friendly.
Is there a racist jokes page here? I’m not racist, I just want to know.
So many of these jokes are unoriginal, and you guys need to step up your game.
Warning: If you're planning to look here for jokes about the FOOD nuts, don't bother. It's filled with penis jokes.
What do you call a YouTuber? A virgin.
Subscribe to itsyagirl_avaa on YouTube :)
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