
Comic Jokes

papyrus: SANS stop being a lazy Bones. Why bro, guess you don't have the back bone to do any thin. heheh

If batman is half bat and half human how was he made.

"He wasn't because u can't f*ck a bat"

Which one fell first. The Emo Kid or The Apple. The Apple because the rope caught the kid.

Why do Orphans hate Batman the movie?

Because at least he gets noticed by people and also he stole their life story!

Robin asks Batman what are you getting your parents for Christmas Batman gets mad slaps Robin and runs off crying

now you know why Batman beyond was born when Bruce died cause of death: suicide

So there was 3 baby chickens and 2 mothers the first baby said "why am I named calf?" and the mother said "I f###ed a cow" then the second baby came up to it's mother and it said " why am I named b##ch? " and it's mom said "I f###ed a wolf and the final baby came to its mother and said "why am I named orphan?" And because it's mother wasn't there to see it this is what I have to say "because you are one you ducking hitch!!"