DadBeluga1 year agoWhat's the difference between the milkman and my dad?Nothing, they are both one thing except he never returns with milk.(I've been eating cereal with water COMBINATION!)
OrphanAnonymous1 year agoWhy are orphans always famous?Because they say, "Go big or go home," and orphans only have one option.
OrphanAnonymous1 year agoMe: Hey, are you an orphan?Orphan: Yeah, what gave me away?Me: Your parents.
OrphanAnonymous2 years agoDid you know an orphan is deeply religious because they can finally call someone "father."
SuicideAbortion3 years agoSo, one day a teacher asked, "How many of you have thought of committing suicide?" Half of the class raised their hand, but the teacher said, "Where are Jesse and John?"
DadAniya3 years agoWhen does a joke become a dad joke? When it goes to get the milk yet never comes back.Miss you dad.
SallyAnonymous7 years agoWhy can't Sally swing?Because she has no arms.Knock knock, "Who's there?", not Sally.Where did Sally go when the bombs dropped?Everywhere.
HandcHlOe6 years agoI got my little girl a hand sewing kit for her birthday and she cried. I didn't understand why until I realized that she had no hands to sew with.
OrphanAnonymous3 years agoWhat is an orphan's excuse to leave a party?"I'm gonna make like my parents and run."