Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

Do you know a way to really freak out someone that works at a car dealership?

You say "Tell me if you can hear me", then get in the trunk and start screaming.


"I had a great day today." "Why?" "Because Allison was frustrated at her calculator and started banging it on the side of the table and the teacher screamed, 'Allison how would you like it if I banged you on the table?'"

Dream tweeted, and I quote “Babies kick pregnant women all the time but I do it one time and I’m the one arrested.”

Who Do You Think Is The Fastest Reader? Incorrect It's 9/11, It Went Through 100 Stories In 2 Seconds.

Mexican jokes and black jokes are pretty much the same. Once you heard Juan you've heard Jamal.

Beer Bottle: “You break me, you get one year of bad luck!”

Mirror: “You kiddin' me? You break me, then y'all get seven years of bad luck!”

Condom: “Hahaha...”

Roses are red, don’t touch the toys, these are what the priests use to lure in the boys.

I will always remember my grandpa's last words: Stop shaking the ladder you cunt!

A teacher says to her class one day, "Whoever answers my next question, can go home." A boy throws his bag out the window.

The teacher asks, "Who just threw that?"

The boy says, "Me! I'm going home now."