Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

9 people online

Why did the rapper take up gardening?

Because they wanted to GROW their FLOW

Why was the rapper always the life of the party?

Because they knew how to DROP the BEAT

What do you get when you cross a rapper with an accountant?

Someone who COUNTS BARS all day

Why don't rappers ever gamble?

Because they're always dropping BEATS, not BETS

Why didn't the movie star argue with the customer service clerk? He didn't have a good counter act

Whats the difference between your dad and grocery shopping he didn't come back with the milk

your hairline goes so far back you can see a full world scale map in your forehead reflection

Why did the rapper become an archaeologist?

Because he wanted to dig for OLD-SCHOOL BEATS

Why did the rapper bring a clock to the concert?

Because he wanted to drop some TIMELY RHYMES